Initial Rowan News

  • I took my first steps September 28, 2004 and I am getting really good at walking
  • As of April 2005, I walk and I talk, but my parents mostly don't understand me. I love playing at the park and going for walks.
  • As of August 2007, I weight approximately 36 lbs and am 38 inches tall and I am very independent minded. I love playing with the neighbors and chasing Daddy around the house.
  • March 2008: Rowan says he loves to play with his lego plane, ride his bicycle, rollerskate, run around the house (and around and around), play his board/card games, and watch the Backyardigans and Go, Diego, Go. He also can't wait for Liam to get big enough to play with. He loves to give Liam big smiles and to make him laugh. His favorite movie is The Incredibles. Rowan has a untamable cowlic amist his bangs which he gets from his father. This makes getting a hair cut a challenge.

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